Thursday, February 24, 2011

The one with a moment

I have recently been obsessed with the Nicki Minaj song "Moment 4 Life" & the video just dropped!!! Along with having a classic beat, a "sticky" (shout out to the marketing majors) chorus, & genius lyrics thanks to two of the hottest rappers in today's scene; it also is highly uplifting. The one line I can't get over is Drake's "everybody dies but not everybody lives". This simple line has become a daily mantra. I knew it was familiar, but I couldn't place the quote. Google tells me it is a quote from the Jewish author, A. Sachs; I also got some insight into his book "Studies in the Drama", which looks earnestly interesting! It seems to deal with human nature, death, & thereby how to live life: it's certainly made it to my reading list!

The real draw of course is the fasssssssssshion! As Nicki has quickly made a reputation for herself of being fearless when it comes to both her wardrobe & her diction. The outfit shown below, this golden/green/pink-ish sleek/frilly/HOT mix of styles can only be described as extraordinary in the best way. I actually would get pushy simply to have this ensemble.

I am currently reading a book on body-language, both in its role & utility within societies throughout the world. Upon watching this video I LOVED how blatantly they used body-language which is common in our society; yet mostly subconscious, & usually unnoticed.

You see Nicki peering over her shoulder, chin up without her head up, eyes looking up & to the side, hands on hips, chest out (not that she could keep it in). Besides the fabulous color contract here, all these micro signals mean a lot in combination. She knows that Drake is looking down at her, she wants him to know that she's a confident woman, but also that she's feminine she is saying, "I want you, but you MUST make the first move". This is the pose a woman would use asking for a man to approach her, the problem is most men miss these signals -- even when they're as blatant as she is displaying them. This phenomena along with a loss of real communication is likely why so many people find it hard to find love interests; though I've never been one to have that problem. In any case, the demonstration was certainly not lost on me!

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