Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The one with Starbucks 40th!

Today marks 40 years of development, integrity, & complete fabulocity for the Starbucks brand.
I was ecstatic to find today that the store as I had known it up until yesterday, was changed entirely to a modified brand & color scheme which was green & alive with celebration! I was impressed simply with the time efficiency of it all! Usually during the Christmas season, you see the holiday cups slowly melt away back to the traditional cups. Today, on the contrary, all sign of the old brand had vanished to be replaced with the iconicly simplistic new brand design. This brand resonates with me, as if to say "Carpe Diem" in a matter-of-fact type way. Below is the line-up of Starbucks cups since 1971.
My Love for Starbucks grows with each waft of espresso, each sip of perfect foam. Since my last blog on the subject, when I simply had the Starbucks gold card, I now have the mobile app up & running! With this I can not only monitor my spending & points earned, I can also re-load my account & even pay using my BlackBerry! It's brilliantly convenient!!!
They've also launched a new line of "Starbucks Petites" which are the cute little snacks you see above. They are adorable, bite size snacks which are all under 200-calories, though which still pack a terrifyingly high concentration of saturated fat. With a new food line, you knew they'd have a special blend, this one is called Starbucks Tribute Blend. Although I'm a espresso girl, I realy appreciate the concept of this product. The music & script are reminancent of Tuscan Italy, & deeply resonantes with me a phrase I heard often in Italy. If you had just purchased something from a vendor, the polite thing to do was say "grazie" to thank them for their help. What was intriguing though, was most vendors would respond to you "grazie a te" as if to say, "No, Thank you, because if it weren't for customers like you, I wouldn't be here". It's an appreciate from the vendor that you allow them to do what they love, promote products which they have passion for, & that is exactly what Starbucks is doing with this new campaign.
A few weeks ago, as I walked into my local spot, one of the cashiers asked me "tall skim latte?" I nodded & passed him my phone to pay. He turned to tell the barista; however, before he could speak, the Barista came around the corner to place my latte on the counter. All he has to respond was "Show-off", it made me laugh quite a bit, & has been one of my favorite Starbucks experiances thus far.

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