Saturday, November 5, 2011

The one with a Vendetta

1605 Guy Fawkes.... This is a celebrated holiday in England, complete with bonfires; however, it's not a celebration at all, it's a warning to anyone with enough constitution to step aside from the confines of society. It's a nursery rhyme in England for God's sake! Something which they ingrain into the minds of their citizens from day one. These practices blow my mind in the sense of how against all ideologies of democracy this is. Change can only happen when people dare to do what the believe is right -- what if that belief is contrary to the rulers of the time? They say if analysts saw some catastrophic event coming in the future, they wouldn't simply tell us, but rather put it into mass media in order to get us used to the idea; if they were simply to tell us, there would be panic. I wonder now, if the movie "V for Vendetta" is one of those examples? All be it, it's an extreme situation portrayed; yet, I can't help notice the similarities with some current events. Events such as the London riots which ran out of control for some time after a police officer assaulted a peaceful protester, or even the current "Occupy" movement. The movie came out less than 5 years is possible...

"Remember, remember the 5th of November
The gunpowder, treason and plot
I can think of no reason the gunpowder treason,
should ever be forgot..."

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