Friday, November 5, 2010

The one with a puppy!

It's so funny that most terrible of days (read: severe frustration at work) can suddenly turn to utter joy & excitement when you return home to find this:

Meet Freddie! The newest member of the family! He is a Shiba Inu, as with the other dogs in the house, which is an ancient breed from Japan dating back to the 3rd century BC! They are very similar to the Akita but much, MUCH smaller, around 17-23 pounds on average.
We played with him & the other dogs for a long while until he go tired out (as shown below). It absolutely amazed me how intrinsically happy a puppy can make you. They're spunky & fully of life, clumsy as they trip over their own big paws, cuddly & so soft! They give you unconditional love & excitement every time they see you, & they're cute!

But how could I forget to introduce the other puppies! The first picture above is Freddie meeting Daphne (6), below is a picture of Scrappy (8) who is my favorite, he's so Handsome, & Scooby (10) who sleeps in a manner which often scares me that he's passed.... Can you guess the theme of their names?!?

Now I ask you, what better end to the day can you ask for than a puppy?

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