Sunday, June 5, 2011

The one with a Graduation!

Today, my youngest brother graduated from the historic private preparatory high school which is also the Alma mater of my sister & I. John Bapst Memorial High School is a jem of place located in the heart of Bangor Maine. Established in 1928, JBHS boasts not only outstanding academic records which few High Schools across the nation can contend with, but also a breath taking Shakespearean auditorium & stage which was the largest north of Boston for some decades.

I find graduations, whether HS or College, to be incredibly inspiring times. There is nothing but possibility before the young graduates, but more so than them, I find myself motivated to find new opportunity, new adventure, new passion. One of the guest speakers noted "By building powerful, lasting bonds with people, you can impact their lives far beyond your physical reach". How can you not continue to aspire with words such as those resonating in the air?

What's wonderful about graduations as well, is the levity which is added to the situation being that school in its essence will be filled with joy by the students. The headmaster started his speech with light-hearted good will by relaying this message to us "We all know how fun it is to give freshmen directions to anywhere other than where they wish to go". The Valedictorian later said with brilliance I cannot begin to express, "As the famed 21-century philosopher Lil Wayne said 'Nuf said'". It's wonderful to see such incredibly bright young adults thinking outside the box and realizing that the world is theirs to do with it as they will.

In the midst of all these quotes upon quotes which demonstrate the theories & virtues by which we can choose to live our lives; is the realization that these quotes are in essence, the phrases created in minds of great people which they came to be known for, what then, will you be remembered for?

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