Saturday, June 18, 2011

The one with my Godmother

As much as I thrive in celebrating the joys of life, inevitably, with joy comes sorrow. It's the feeling as though you're standing beneath a dam & it suddenly begin collapsing over you: you stand there aghast because you know that nothing you do or say can stop what just happened. Yesterday, my Aunt died. She was only 39, but she lived a beautiful and joy-filled life, here are a few things I know for certain about her:

  1. She loved making people smile

  2. She had an infallible ability to make people laugh; simply being in the room added levity & humor, because she wanted to see everyone happy

  3. She thoroughly enjoyed the act of "mooning" & laughed whole-heartily when she got one of us

  4. She would do whatever she could or had to in order to help others - a very big heart

  5. She taught me how to roll my jeans in order to look "cool"

  6. She was the 1st person to call me a b*tch (in a playful manner when I beat her at UNO) she was also the 1st person to let me say the word without reprimanding me

  7. I visited her when she was in college; her & her friends taught me to play SPUD (having now gone through college, I cannot imagine having the selflessness to entertain a child on a college campus for a week!)

  8. She taught my cousins & I how to "hover" in order to avoid touching public restrooms

  9. When she was around I laughed so hard it hurt

  10. Her favorite term of endearment was "Freak-a-zoid"

  11. She was the coolest adult I knew when I was 10

  12. I & so many others loved her deeply & will mourn her absence daily

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