Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The one with Monkeys & God

"To each their own" -- I could not believe this statement more! Therein lies my religious statement to the world: Believe whatever you like, but believe in something! Everyone needs that!

My friend posted a very interesting article from the New York Times entitled "Morals without God?" The article begins with arguments based around Bosch, the Dutch painter from the fifteenth century, specifically his ever-famous "Garden of Earthly Delights". From there it further develops the question by spanning tangent topics from societal development to religion & biology! It's a riveting & thought-provoking article which I highly suggest taking the time to read!

The article originally suggests that evolution & God cannot coexist & even brings up the which point my mind went on a rant: Are we really still that pin-headed & clouded by the darkness of the middle-ages? We are an intelligent society, when we choose to be, we have access to more information at our fingertips than has been readily available in the entirety of the Human race! Surely we can realize that religion & science are not mutually exclusive, they never have been, & they cannot be as our existence is structured.
The Author is fantastic & goes on to say "Why not assume our humanity, including the self-control needed for livable societies, is built into us?" Veramente, Grazie!

A question is later raised which I loved, "why do we surround ourselves with furry mammals?" The answer is simple: they crave & give affection in the same way which we innately do.

Playing with my family's puppy Emma

There is a reason that vastly numerous religions have emerged around the globe independently of one another yet with strikingly similar core values such as compassion & family -- it is because those values are who we are -- it is Humanity.

A few quotes I associated with:

"Dominate monkeys are the most generous"

"Altruism is unconcerned with its evolutionary consequences"

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